Apple Time Capsule 2TB Setup as Network Drive on Windows

How to setup Apple’s Time Capsule Apple™, Time Capsule™, Microsoft™, Windows™ and other software and hardware manufacturers Once the Time Capsule is powered up, insert the CD that came with your Time Capsule and you will see the Airport setup screen. Click next. Page 6 devices on your network. Configure Time Capsule to use your IP Addressing How to Add Time Capsule to an Existing Wireless Network Apr 23, 2013

The AirPort Time Capsule (originally named Time Capsule) was a wireless router sold by Apple Inc., featuring network-attached storage (NAS) and a residential gateway router, and is one of Apple's AirPort products. They are, essentially, versions of the AirPort Extreme with an internal hard drive.Apple describes it as a "Backup Appliance", designed to work in tandem with the Time Machine backup

Apr 23, 2013

Jul 15, 2009 · If you are going to set up your Time Capsule using a wireless connection then click the Airport icon at the top right hand corner of the screen. Select the Apple Network from the dropdown.