Transport Layer Security - Wikipedia

May 01, 2017 Configure TLS mutual authentication - Azure App Service You can restrict access to your Azure App Service app by enabling different types of authentication for it. One way to do it is to request a client certificate when the client request is over TLS/SSL and validate the certificate. This mechanism is called TLS mutual authentication or client certificate authentication. FTP over TLS - FileZilla Wiki


SSL Overview¶. With SSL authentication, the server authenticates the client (also called “2-way authentication”). Because SSL authentication requires SSL encryption, this page shows you how to configure both at the same time and is a superset of configurations required just for SSL encryption.. By default, Apache Kafka® communicates in PLAINTEXT, which means that all data is sent in the

SMTP-AUTH allows a client to identify itself through the SASL authentication mechanism, using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt the authentication process. Once authenticated the SMTP server will allow the client to relay mail. To configure Postfix for SMTP-AUTH using SASL (Dovecot SASL), run these commands at a terminal prompt:

This is done with the following directives: TLS_CACERT, TLS_CERT, and TLS_KEY. TLS_CACERT refers to the certificate chain used to verify the server. TLS_CERT and TLS_KEY refer to the client certificate and private key, respectively, that are used for TLS client authentication (only used for ED-ID). These directives can be set up in the FTPS Commands - EnterpriseDT AUTH (AUTHentication) The AUTH command takes a single parameter which defines the security mechanism to be used. From the point of view of TLS, this parameter must be 'TLS'. > AUTH TLS. The result of this is that an attempt is made to negotiate a TLS connection on the control channel.